Tuesday, 21 June 2011


Orientation day was yesterday, in the morning we went to the vista way pavilion to do some paperwork..funfunfun. its not too bad though cause i live @ vista way so it was like a 5minute walk from my apartment. after that we came back and me and two of my flatmates went to get some lunch at chick-fil-A, they enjoyed it whereas i did not. The burger bun was really soggy and all it had in it was one piece of a chicken and a gherkin, not any salad, no source, they could have at least put 2 gherkins in!! i like gherkins! anywho, Emma and her flatmates were eating @ Wendy's ( which we should have ) so joined up with them on the way back; hoped on a bus which took us to 'the commons' which is fully international students who are doing a whole year out as appose to the college programmes. People at the commons are normally cast into Epcot World Showcase representing their specific countries!

We then spent about 4 hours listening to rules and regulations and filling out paperwork - it was kinda like a uni lecture, everyone sat alphabetically and suchlike. I was slightly tempted to get away with drinking here but NO WAY after that 4 hour talk will i be letting alcohol anywhere near me!No Thanks - being deported and not being allowed back in the US at a later date...I'm sure the 4 month detox will do me well anyway! Oh, forgot to mention that Disney was not very happy with my hair colour, and that after months of attempting to get it blonde and natural from every shade or red and pink, and moneys and effort.- I had to dye it brown.. boring old brown, but I've gone for a really light brown, I think I look like a chimney sweep from the 1900s, Emma disagrees.
Although.. good things did happen at this 4hour sit-in. - we got told where we were going to work!! and i'm at Epcot - unfortunately not in the world showcase, but i'm working @ mouse gear which is the biggest merchandise store at Epcot! I've already met 2 american guys who are working at Epcot too, one actually in the same store as me, and another doing the photo passes! This morning 11am at the pavilion, consisted of more paperwork and getting the Disney pay-card which we get paid next Thursday for the first time. I have traditions tomorrow at 2pm, then training at Epcot & the Disney university on Thursday and Friday until 6.30pm. I've been told by the guys who already work there that the hours are really long at mouse gears and he doesn't finish work tonight until 2am... oops. oh well, i'm sure i'l manage.
Last night we ( when i say we i mean  Me,Emma,Kirsten,Charlotte&Lucy) went for our first Disney meal @Downtown Disney@the Rainforest Cafe, it was pretty damn good and very yummy. I had Rasta Pasta which is actually still waiting for me in the fridge as i of course, couldn't finish a whole one!
We spent all day by the pool today. which was pretty cool and just ridiculously hot, - clearly an oxymoron just waiting to happen.
Some american guys who have been here for a month already came and spoke to us which was cool, then a guy from Hawaii and they both said that everyone goes to Buffalo Wings ..something, on a Wednesday night which then turns into a club and we should go, so I think we're gonna check that out tomorrow.
Still hot&sunny outside, I needed a cool off time. Meeting so many awesome people from all over the world. It's amazing! And... just realized I'll be in EPCOT for JULY Th!!!
chow x

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